Wednesday, July 09, 2008

O que andam falando por aqui...

... da mídia brasileira.

Engraçado como até aqui o assunto é discutido com clareza e sensatez, mas no Brasil as pessoas parecem continuar ignorando o que está acontecendo.

Um minuto de silêncio pela falta de liberdade de expressão.

(Texto abaixo retirado do blog do Guardian:

Brazil facing twin threat to media
July 9, 2008 12:27 PM

Brazil's media giant Organizacoes Globo may be on the verge of getting bigger still. According to an AP report, it is considering buying Group Estado, owner of the country's second-largest newspaper, Estado de S. Paulo.

Globo already controls the nation's largest TV network and a host of radio stations, magazines and newspapers including O Globo Extra and Diaro de S. Paulo.

But, aside from the possibility of greater concentration of ownership, the other problem facing the Brazilian media is a growing threat to freedom of expression. A São Paulo newspaper, Jornal da Tarde has been forbidden by a federal judge from publishing a report about an official investigation into alleged financial irregularities by a doctors' organisation. The reporter was still working on the story when the president of the doctors' institution applied to the court for an injunction.

The paper's editor-in-chief, Claudia Belfort, regards it as a form of judicial censorship, arguing that it is an unconstitutional decision. She and her lawyers are preparing an appeal.

Three weeks ago, another judge imposed a fine on the three of Brazil's leading media outlets - O Estado de São Paulo, Veja Magazine and Folha de São Paulo - because they published interviews with candidates in a forthcoming election.

The judge considered them to be advertisements, which are not allowed for a set period before an election. As a senior journalist remarked, the judge did not appear to know the difference between journalism and advertisement.

Some editors are arguing that the censorship of 40 years ago, when the country was under military dictatorship, is returning, not least due to a lack of judicial knowledge.


Mariana van Deursen said...

No fundo, sempre foi assim. Os políticos corruptos desse país morrem de medo da mídia e tentam calar os jornais...
Mas sobre a Globo, vc já viu o documentário "Muito Além do Cidadão Kane"?! Vou ver se tem no YouTube pra te passar. É mto bom!

Marilia said...

Qual a novidade??
Uma das maiores caractrísticas de nosso país. A concentração de riqueza e de poder.
O que fazer? Trabalhar MUITO e não esperar que as coisas sejam justas ou caiam do céu.